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Expenses for MSP

Select a financial year to view all expenses for that year.

Expenses are organised by provision and then expenditure type within each provision. Click on the View link beside each expense to see full details.

Financial Year

2022 - 2023 Expenses for John Swinney Total: £16,930.00

Edinburgh Accommodation Provision



Date Detail Amount
Feb 2023 One night stay 08/02/2023 £99.00 View

Engagement Provision



Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 Surgery Advertising / contact details for April £16.00 View
Apr 2022 Surgery Advertising / contact details £83.99 View
Apr 2022 Surgery Advertising / contact details £95.00 View
May 2022 Surgery Advertising / contact details for May £16.00 View
May 2022 Surgery Advertising / contact details for May £83.99 View
Jun 2022 Surgery advertising / contact details for June £16.00 View
Jun 2022 Surgery Advertising / contact details for JUNE 2022 £83.99 View
Jul 2022 Surgery Advertising / contact details for JULY 2022 £16.00 View
Jul 2022 Surgery Advertising / contact details JULY 2022 £83.99 View
Aug 2022 Surgery Advert - August 2022 £16.00 View
Aug 2022 Surgery Advertising / contact details for August 2022 £83.99 View
Sep 2022 Surgery Advertising / contact details SEPT 2022 £16.00 View
Sep 2022 Surgery Advertising / contact details for September £83.99 View
Oct 2022 Surgery Advertising / contact details for October £16.00 View
Oct 2022 Surgery Advertising / contact details for OCTOBER £95.99 View
Oct 2022 Surgery Advertising / contact details Oct 22 £95.00 View
Nov 2022 Surgery Advertising / contact details for November £16.00 View
Nov 2022 Surgery Advertising / contact details Nov 2022 £95.99 View
Dec 2022 Surgery Advertising / contact details for DECEMBER 2022 £16.00 View
Dec 2022 Surgery Advertising / contact details for DECEMBER 2022 £95.99 View
Jan 2023 Surgery Advertising / contact details JAN 2023 £95.99 View
Jan 2023 Surgery Advertising / contact details JAN 2023 £95.00 View
Feb 2023 Surgery Advertising / contact details for FEBRUARY 2023 £140.00 View
Feb 2023 Surgery Advertising / contact details feb2023 £16.00 View
Feb 2023 Surgery Advertising FEB 2023 £95.99 View
Mar 2023 Surgery Advertising MARCH 2023 £16.00 View
Mar 2023 Surgery Advertising / contact details for March £95.99 View
Mar 2023 Advertising surgery/contact column £864.00 View

Communication App

Date Detail Amount
Aug 2022 Zoom Meeting Constituency Engagement £86.34 View

Hall Hire

Date Detail Amount
Jun 2022 Hall Hire for June 2022 Surgery £19.00 View
Jun 2022 HALL HIRE JUNE SURGERY £30.00 View
Jun 2022 Hall Hire for June 2022 Surgery £18.00 View
Aug 2022 Hall hire for August 2022 surgery £30.00 View
Aug 2022 hall hire for aug 22 surgery £15.00 View
Aug 2022 Hall hire for August 2022 surgery £45.00 View
Aug 2022 HALL HIRE FOR AUGUST 2022 SURGERY £15.00 View
Aug 2022 HALL HIRE FOR AUG 22 SURGERY £40.00 View
Aug 2022 August surgery hall hire £18.00 View
Oct 2022 Hall hire for constituency surgery Oct 2022 £18.00 View
Dec 2022 HALL HIRE FOR DECEMBER SURGERY 2022 £20.00 View
Mar 2023 MSP Surgery hall hire £12.00 View
Mar 2023 Hall Hire for MSP Surgery £10.00 View

Mailing Costs

Date Detail Amount
Jul 2022 John Swinney £396.70 View
Jul 2022 John Swinney £515.52 View
Aug 2022 Reimbursement for postage for stationary supplies to be sent to CO £7.95 View
Oct 2022 John Swinney(SNP) £272.00 View
Oct 2022 John Swinney(SNP) £7.07 View
Jan 2023 John Swinney(SNP) £6.75 View
Jan 2023 John Swinney(SNP) £136.00 View
Mar 2023 John Swinney(SNP) £95.00 View
Mar 2023 John Swinney(SNP) £6.75 View

Printing and/or Photocopying

Date Detail Amount
Jul 2022 Design of parliamentary annual report 2022 £360.00 View


Date Detail Amount
Jul 2022 John Swinney £27.37 View
Jul 2022 John Swinney £33.27 View
Jul 2022 John Swinney £33.27 View
Sep 2022 Reimbursement for A4 paper 500 sheets £4.90 View

Website Costs

Date Detail Amount
Aug 2022 website and domain costs 15/08/22 £290.40 View
Aug 2022 E mail/website maintenance £108.00 View

Incidental and Ancillary Employment Cost Provision


Cleaning/Hygiene Products

Date Detail Amount
Sep 2022 Sept 2022 - EN13683 SURGICAL MASK TYPE IIR £4.93 View

Living Wage Accreditation

Date Detail Amount
Feb 2023 Living Wage Accreditation / Recognition £72.00 View

Staff Homeworking

Date Detail Amount
Jul 2022 Homeworking Allowance April 2022 £104.00 View
Jul 2022 Homeworking Allowance May 2022 £104.00 View
Aug 2022 Homeworking Allowance June 2022 £104.00 View
Sep 2022 Homeworking Allowance July 2022 £104.00 View
Oct 2022 Homeworking Allowance August 2022 £104.00 View
Oct 2022 Homeworking Allowance September 2022 £104.00 View
Nov 2022 Homeworking Allowance October 2022 £104.00 View

MSP and MSP staff travel provision


Members Mileage

Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £23.40 View
Apr 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £12.60 View
Apr 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £9.00 View
May 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £31.95 View
May 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £9.90 View
May 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £10.35 View
May 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £9.00 View
May 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.75 View
May 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £37.35 View
May 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £30.60 View
Jun 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £26.10 View
Jun 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £10.35 View
Jun 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £36.90 View
Jun 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £25.20 View
Jun 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £36.45 View
Jun 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £8.10 View
Jun 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £29.70 View
Jun 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £10.35 View
Jun 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.30 View
Jul 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £8.10 View
Aug 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £18.45 View
Aug 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £40.50 View
Aug 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.30 View
Aug 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £35.55 View
Aug 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £49.50 View
Aug 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £11.70 View
Aug 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £37.35 View
Aug 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £23.40 View
Aug 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £17.10 View
Sep 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £27.45 View
Sep 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £19.80 View
Sep 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £27.45 View
Sep 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £10.35 View
Oct 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.75 View
Oct 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £10.35 View
Oct 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £10.35 View
Oct 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £10.80 View
Oct 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £12.15 View
Nov 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £13.05 View
Nov 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £30.60 View
Nov 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £3.15 View
Nov 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £23.85 View
Nov 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £25.65 View
Nov 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.30 View
Dec 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £9.90 View
Dec 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £10.35 View
Dec 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £27.90 View
Dec 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.30 View
Dec 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £30.60 View
Dec 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £10.35 View
Jan 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £9.90 View
Jan 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.30 View
Jan 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £11.25 View
Jan 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £10.35 View
Jan 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.30 View
Jan 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £14.85 View
Jan 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £10.35 View
Jan 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £10.35 View
Jan 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £10.35 View
Feb 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £27.45 View
Feb 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £9.90 View
Feb 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £22.05 View
Feb 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £11.25 View
Feb 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £3.15 View
Feb 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.30 View

Staff Mileage

Date Detail Amount
Jun 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £27.00 View
Jun 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £36.00 View
Jun 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £12.15 View
Aug 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £40.50 View
Aug 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £14.40 View
Aug 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £33.75 View
Aug 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £55.80 View
Aug 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £46.35 View
Sep 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £26.10 View

Office Cost Provision


Business Phone - Members Home

Date Detail Amount
Dec 2022 Home Business Phone 01/12/22-28/02/23 ES82643768Q088CW £102.96 View
Mar 2023 Reimbursement for payment already made by JS £102.96 View

Cleaning/Hygiene Products

Date Detail Amount
Sep 2022 Sept 2022 - MEDISANITIZE ALCOHOL WIPE TUB £2.96 View
Oct 2022 Oct-22 - CHEEKY PANDA 3 PLY TOILET ROLL £14.28 View

Computer Maintenance

Date Detail Amount
Jan 2023 IT Services £333.60 View


Date Detail Amount
Aug 2022 4G Radio link installation £690.00 View
Sep 2022 Sept 2022 - DYMO M2 DIGITAL SCALE 2KG £23.80 View

Fire Safety

Date Detail Amount
Mar 2023 Fire Extinguisher service for Constituency office £135.13 View


Date Detail Amount
Jun 2022 Buildings insurance 01/05/22 -30/04/23 £203.51 View

Newspaper Subscriptions

Date Detail Amount
May 2022 Newspapers March2022-May2022 £13.20 View
Jul 2022 Newspaper costs for constituency office for JULY 2022 £10.20 View
Jan 2023 Newspaper costs AUGUST 2022 - DEC 2023 £26.00 View

Office Phone and Broadband Costs

Date Detail Amount
Sep 2022 ES82626718 Q090 443972229 £341.42 View
Jan 2023 ES82626718 Q091R5 155737768 £336.84 View


Date Detail Amount
May 2022 John Swinney MSP - Quarterly Rent OCP £1,155.00 View
Aug 2022 John Swinney MSP - Quarterly Rent OCP £1,155.00 View
Nov 2022 John Swinney MSP - Quarterly Rent OCP £1,155.00 View
Feb 2023 John Swinney MSP - Quarterly Rent OCP £1,155.00 View

Running Costs

Date Detail Amount
Mar 2023 Reimbursement for photo ID required for security office to renew pass £6.00 View

Running Repairs and Maintenance

Date Detail Amount
Dec 2022 Boiler service - constituency office Dec 2022 £84.00 View
Jan 2023 Supply and fit new timelock £140.22 View

Staff Mobile Phone Bill

Date Detail Amount
May 2022 John Swinney MSP £2.40 View
May 2022 Nov-21 John Swinney MSP £2.40 View
May 2022 John Swinney MSP £2.40 View

Telephone Services Costs

Date Detail Amount
Jul 2022 Office Telephone BT 07/06/22 ES82626718Q089 416668695 £410.48 View
Mar 2023 ES82626718 497311911 £399.86 View

Trade Waste

Date Detail Amount
May 2022 Waste uplift £158.15 View


Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 Water, Electricity & Gas charges for C.O. Period Jan-March 2022 £250.69 View
Aug 2022 Share of Constituency office service charges April-July 2022 £241.04 View
Oct 2022 Share of water, gas and electricity costs for CO £250.29 View
Jan 2023 Share of water, gas and electricity costs for CO £275.25 View