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Expenses for MSP

Select a financial year to view all expenses for that year.

Expenses are organised by provision and then expenditure type within each provision. Click on the View link beside each expense to see full details.

Financial Year

2022 - 2023 Expenses for Fiona Hyslop Total: £21,118.23

Engagement Provision



Date Detail Amount
May 2022 Whitburn Gala Surgery Advert £70.00 View
Jul 2022 MSP Adverting Board 2022/23 - Whitburn Juniors F.C. £200.00 View
Jul 2022 Advertising Board - 2022/203 £100.00 View

Business Meeting Expenses

Date Detail Amount
Jan 2023 Jan 23 - Tea Coffee Sandwiches £162.24 View

Mailing Costs

Date Detail Amount
Jul 2022 Fiona Hyslop(SNP) £136.00 View
Nov 2022 50 x 2nd Class Stamps £34.00 View
Jan 2023 Fiona Hyslop(SNP) £0.30 View
Jan 2023 Annual Report £3,717.30 View

Printing and/or Photocopying

Date Detail Amount
Jan 2023 Annual Report £3,100.00 View

Incidental and Ancillary Employment Cost Provision


Living Wage Accreditation

Date Detail Amount
Oct 2022 Living Wage Accreditation £72.00 View

MSP and MSP staff travel provision


Car parking

Date Detail Amount
Jun 2022 Car Parking £21.00 View
Jun 2022 Car Parking £18.00 View
Dec 2022 Car Parking £21.00 View
Dec 2022 Car Parking £21.00 View

Members Rail

Date Detail Amount
May 2022 Parliamentary Travel £11.80 View
May 2022 Parliamentary Travel £100.40 View
May 2022 Parliamentary Travel £11.80 View
May 2022 Parliamentary Travel £6.10 View
May 2022 Parliamentary Travel £6.10 View
Jun 2022 Parliamentary Travel £100.40 View
Aug 2022 Parliamentary Travel £9.20 View
Aug 2022 Parliamentary Travel £9.20 View
Aug 2022 Parliamentary Travel £9.20 View
Sep 2022 Parliamentary Travel £11.80 View
Sep 2022 Parliamentary Travel £100.40 View
Feb 2023 Parliamentary Travel £100.40 View

Staff Rail

Date Detail Amount
May 2022 Parliamentary Travel £13.40 View
Oct 2022 Parliamentary Travel £13.40 View
Nov 2022 Parliamentary Travel £35.80 View
Jan 2023 Parliamentary Travel £13.40 View
Feb 2023 Parliamentary Travel £35.80 View
Mar 2023 Parliamentary Travel £23.40 View
Mar 2023 Parliamentary Travel £35.80 View
Mar 2023 Parliamentary Travel £27.60 View

Office Cost Provision



Date Detail Amount
Nov 2022 Microphones £28.99 View
Nov 2022 Equipment - Video Conferencing Light £11.89 View

Lease Obligations

Date Detail Amount
Mar 2023 Legal fees for Assignation of 65 West Main Street and termination of Lease at 59 West Main Street £576.00 View

Office Phone and Broadband Costs

Date Detail Amount
Feb 2023 ES84113828 Q062R7 489528407 £165.06 View


Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 Fiona Hyslop MSP - Monthly Rent OCP £597.50 View
May 2022 Fiona Hyslop MSP - Monthly Rent OCP £597.50 View
Jun 2022 Fiona Hyslop MSP - Monthly Rent OCP £597.50 View
Jul 2022 Fiona Hyslop MSP - Monthly Rent OCP £597.50 View
Aug 2022 Fiona Hyslop MSP - Monthly Rent OCP £597.50 View
Sep 2022 Fiona Hyslop MSP - Monthly Rent OCP £597.50 View
Oct 2022 Fiona Hyslop MSP - Monthly Rent OCP £597.50 View
Nov 2022 Fiona Hyslop MSP - Monthly Rent OCP £597.50 View
Dec 2022 Fiona Hyslop MSP - Monthly Rent OCP £597.50 View
Jan 2023 Fiona Hyslop MSP - Monthly Rent OCP £597.50 View
Feb 2023 Fiona Hyslop MSP - Monthly Rent OCP £597.50 View
Mar 2023 Fiona Hyslop MSP - Monthly Rent OCP £597.50 View

Running Costs

Date Detail Amount
May 2022 Constituency Office Electrical Inspection £216.00 View

Telephone Services Costs

Date Detail Amount
May 2022 Telephone Bill May 2022 £69.55 View
May 2022 Constituency Office Telephone Bill May 2022 £129.12 View
Aug 2022 BT Office Telephone Services 01/08/22-31/010/22 ES84878386Q053AG 430143533 £69.76 View
Nov 2022 ES84878386 459519052 £165.95 View
Nov 2022 BT Office telephone 14/11/22 ES84113828Q061NT 461264981 £314.59 View
Feb 2023 ES84878386 488036219 £145.93 View


Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 Constituency Office Electricity £146.13 View
May 2022 Electricity 01/04/22 - 01/05/22 Scottish Gas £108.82 View
May 2022 Water Charges May 2022 £10.72 View
Jun 2022 Constituency Office Electricity May to June 2022 £93.47 View
Jun 2022 Constituency Office Water £48.42 View
Jul 2022 Water Services July 2022 £47.26 View
Jul 2022 600684102 084541 £90.79 View
Aug 2022 August 2022 Water Invoice £49.20 View
Aug 2022 Scottish Gas Electricity Services 04/07/22-01/08/22 £70.04 View
Sep 2022 Constituency Office Water Invoice September £48.43 View
Oct 2022 Scottish Gas Invoice October 2022 £182.08 View
Oct 2022 Constituency Office Water Invoice October £48.05 View
Nov 2022 Constituency Office Water Invoice November 2022 £145.72 View
Dec 2022 Constituency Office Water Invoice December £97.69 View
Dec 2022 Scottish Gas Electricity 02/10/22-01/11/22 600684102 025155 £123.68 View
Jan 2023 600684102 092094 £256.27 View
Mar 2023 600684102 094398 £193.95 View
Mar 2023 600684102 064282 £170.43 View

Start Up Provision


Legal Fees

Date Detail Amount
Aug 2022 Planning Application - Change of Use £200.00 View
Aug 2022 Planning Application - Change of Use £400.00 View
Sep 2022 Office Start Up Legal Fees £1,176.00 View