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Expenses for MSP

Select a financial year to view all expenses for that year.

Expenses are organised by provision and then expenditure type within each provision. Click on the View link beside each expense to see full details.

Financial Year

2022 - 2023 Expenses for Donald Cameron Total: £18,743.01

Edinburgh Accommodation Provision



Date Detail Amount
Jun 2022 1 Night Stay 29/06/2022 £143.00 View
Nov 2022 One night 16/11/2022 £54.00 View

Engagement Provision



Date Detail Amount
May 2022 Surgery advertising £293.76 View
Oct 2022 Surgery advert 26/08/22 £45.00 View
Feb 2023 Surgery Advertising £351.60 View

Hall Hire

Date Detail Amount
May 2022 Hall hire for constituent surgery £10.00 View
Sep 2022 Hall Hire 01/09/2022 £15.00 View

Mailing Costs

Date Detail Amount
Dec 2022 Donald Cameron (Con) £2.41 View
Jan 2023 Postage to change old stamps to new barcoded stamps via Royal Mail Swap Out Scheme £10.65 View
Mar 2023 T284826 072494 £3,911.61 View
Mar 2023 Donald Cameron (Con) £20.87 View

Printing and/or Photocopying

Date Detail Amount
Mar 2023 Annual report printing £1,721.86 View

Website Costs

Date Detail Amount
Aug 2022 Annual website cost £360.00 View

Incidental and Ancillary Employment Cost Provision


Staff Homeworking

Date Detail Amount
Jul 2022 Homeworking Allowance April 2022 Mini Pool £13.00 View
Jul 2022 Homeworking Allowance May 2022 Mini Pool £13.00 View
Aug 2022 Homeworking Allowance June 2022 Mini Pool £4.72 View

MSP and MSP staff travel provision


Car parking

Date Detail Amount
Sep 2022 Car Parking £57.00 View

Members Air

Date Detail Amount
Aug 2022 Parliamentary Travel £162.00 View

Members Ferries

Date Detail Amount
Oct 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.90 View

Members Mileage

Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 Parliamentary Travel £129.60 View
Jun 2022 Parliamentary Travel £129.60 View
Jun 2022 Parliamentary Travel £113.85 View
Jul 2022 Parliamentary Travel £129.60 View
Aug 2022 Parliamentary Travel £64.80 View
Aug 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £11.25 View
Aug 2022 Parliamentary Travel £65.25 View
Aug 2022 Parliamentary Travel £25.65 View
Sep 2022 Parliamentary Travel £25.20 View
Oct 2022 Parliamentary Travel £129.60 View
Nov 2022 Parliamentary Travel £139.95 View
Feb 2023 Parliamentary Travel £129.15 View

Members Rail

Date Detail Amount
Oct 2022 Parliamentary Travel - Outside Scotland £61.30 View
Oct 2022 Parliamentary Travel - Outside Scotland £78.00 View
Oct 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £40.70 View
Jan 2023 Parliamentary Travel - Outside Scotland £63.40 View
Jan 2023 Parliamentary Travel - Outside Scotland £114.00 View

Members Taxi

Date Detail Amount
Aug 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £25.00 View
Aug 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £15.00 View
Sep 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £40.00 View

Staff Air

Date Detail Amount
Aug 2022 Parliamentary Travel £162.00 View

Staff Ferries

Date Detail Amount
Oct 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.90 View

Staff Rail

Date Detail Amount
Oct 2022 Parliamentary Travel £26.85 View

Office Cost Provision


Business Improvement Levy Costs

Date Detail Amount
Jun 2022 BID Levy £16.65 View
Nov 2022 BID Levy May 2022 to Oct 2022 £31.34 View
Feb 2023 BID Levy for period 09/12/2022 - 08/12/2023 £24.97 View

Cleaning/Hygiene Products

Date Detail Amount
Nov 2022 Waste bin for regional office £10.00 View


Date Detail Amount
Sep 2022 Masterplugs for MiFi Dongles £21.98 View


Date Detail Amount
Aug 2022 Office Insurance July 2022-23 £63.75 View

Key Cutting

Date Detail Amount
Dec 2022 Cost of key cutting £33.00 View

Newspaper Subscriptions

Date Detail Amount
Mar 2023 Argyllshire Advertiser digital subscription £42.99 View
Mar 2023 Oban Times Digital Subscription £42.99 View
Mar 2023 Campbeltown Courier Digital Subscription £42.99 View

Office Installations

Date Detail Amount
Nov 2022 3 new notice boards in office - Nov 2022 £10.50 View

Office Phone and Broadband Costs

Date Detail Amount
Jun 2022 GP00859468 M0175H 409705419 £26.55 View

Office/Window Cleaning

Date Detail Amount
May 2022 window cleaning £16.25 View
Jul 2022 Window Cleaning may, june and july £21.25 View
Sep 2022 Window Cleaning for Regional Office £10.00 View
Nov 2022 Cleaning of the office £65.46 View
Nov 2022 Cleaning of the windows and signage £16.25 View
Jan 2023 Window Cleaning - January invoice £16.25 View
Feb 2023 window cleaning £10.00 View

Professional Charges

Date Detail Amount
Dec 2022 Lease Amendment 09/12/22 £392.00 View
Dec 2022 Professional fees due to lease changes 16/11/22 £675.00 View


Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 Office Rent May 2022 £175.00 View
May 2022 D Cameron -J Halcro Johnston - E Mountain - D Ross - Monthly Office Rent - OCP £175.00 View
May 2022 Donald Cameron Quartlery office rent £812.50 View
Jun 2022 D Cameron -J Halcro Johnston - E Mountain - D Ross - Monthly Office Rent - OCP £175.00 View
Jul 2022 D Cameron -J Halcro Johnston - E Mountain - D Ross - Monthly Office Rent - OCP £175.00 View
Aug 2022 D Cameron -J Halcro Johnston - E Mountain - D Ross - Monthly Office Rent - OCP £175.00 View
Aug 2022 Donald Cameron Quartlery office rent £812.50 View
Sep 2022 D Cameron -J Halcro Johnston - E Mountain - D Ross - Monthly Office Rent - OCP £175.00 View
Oct 2022 D Cameron -J Halcro Johnston - E Mountain - D Ross - Monthly Office Rent - OCP £175.00 View
Nov 2022 Donald Cameron Quartlery office rent £812.50 View
Nov 2022 D Cameron -J Halcro Johnston - E Mountain - D Ross - Monthly Office Rent - OCP £175.00 View
Dec 2022 D Cameron -J Halcro Johnston - E Mountain - D Ross - Monthly Office Rent - OCP £175.00 View
Jan 2023 D Cameron -J Halcro Johnston - E Mountain - D Ross - Monthly Office Rent - OCP £175.00 View
Feb 2023 Donald Cameron Quartlery office rent £812.50 View
Feb 2023 D Cameron -J Halcro Johnston - E Mountain - D Ross - Monthly Office Rent - OCP £175.00 View
Mar 2023 D Cameron -J Halcro Johnston - E Mountain - D Ross - Monthly Office Rent - OCP £175.00 View

Running Costs

Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 CAM014 steel container hire - APR 2022 £130.36 View
Jun 2022 CAM014 steel container hire - JUN 2022 £130.36 View
Oct 2022 CAM014 steel container hire - MAY 2022 £117.33 View

Staff Overnight Costs Including Dinner

Date Detail Amount
Sep 2022 Heathbank Hotel, Barra 31/08/22 one night £140.00 View

Telephone Services Costs

Date Detail Amount
May 2022 BT Telephone Services March to April 2022 GP00859468M01613 398766321 £17.99 View
Aug 2022 GP00859468 M0189W 429400831 £29.61 View
Sep 2022 GP00859468 M019DP 152173864 £3.06 View
Oct 2022 Telephone costs £3.06 View
Nov 2022 Telephone Costs £16.55 View
Feb 2023 Telephone costs £43.11 View
Feb 2023 BT BUSINESS BILL £6.67 View
Mar 2023 BT Office Telephone Mar 2023 £3.06 View


Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 water charges £3.57 View
Apr 2022 electricity £18.12 View
May 2022 Business Stream Water Services 3227056 April 2022 £3.82 View
Jul 2022 Office electricity - July 2022 £25.75 View
Aug 2022 8876867414 Ref: 1170860274 £25.75 View
Oct 2022 3227056/1 £80.56 View
Oct 2022 Business Stream Water Services 22 Sept to 12 Oct 2024 £11.09 View
Jan 2023 Electricity Charges £378.39 View
Feb 2023 Business Stream Water Services 13 Oct to 19 Jan 2024 £54.14 View

Overnight Accommodation Provision


Overnight London

Date Detail Amount
Oct 2022 Premier Inn, London Kings Cross, overnight stay in London for various meetings £184.00 View
Oct 2022 Overnight stay at Premier Inn, London Kings Cross for meetings £220.00 View
Jan 2023 Premier Inn, London Holborn 24/01/23 £204.00 View

Overnight Stay Constituency/Region Member and Staff

Date Detail Amount
Sep 2022 Heathbank Hotel, Barra 31/08/22 one night £150.00 View
Jan 2023 Overnight stay at Kingsmills Hotel, Inverness for meetings £100.00 View
Jan 2023 Overnight stay at Kingsmills Hotel, Inverness for meetings £70.30 View

Start Up Provision


Legal Fees

Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 Professional Fees in relation to office lease 26/04/2022 £461.00 View

Office Signage

Date Detail Amount
Mar 2023 Signage for the Regional Office £150.66 View

Office Survey Costs

Date Detail Amount
Aug 2022 Management asbestos survey for office 08/08/2022 £97.50 View