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Expenses for MSP

Select a financial year to view all expenses for that year.

Expenses are organised by provision and then expenditure type within each provision. Click on the View link beside each expense to see full details.

Financial Year

2022 - 2023 Expenses for Ariane Burgess Total: £39,072.60

Edinburgh Accommodation Provision


Council Tax

Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 Council Tax for Edinburgh Flat April 2022 payment £126.89 View
May 2022 Edinburgh Flat council tax May payment £124.00 View
Jun 2022 Edinburgh Flat - council tax - June £124.00 View
Jul 2022 Edinburgh City Council Tax for Edinburgh Flat - July 2022 payment £124.00 View
Aug 2022 01/08/2022 Council Tax Edi Flat £124.00 View
Sep 2022 01/09/2022 Council Tax Edi Flat £124.00 View
Oct 2022 01/10/2022 Council Tax Edi Flat £124.00 View
Nov 2022 Council Tax payment for Nov & Dec 2022 £248.00 View
Jan 2023 Jan 2023 Edinburgh Council Tax £124.00 View

Rental Expenditure

Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 Arianne Burgess MSP Monthly EAP Rent £950.00 View
May 2022 Arianne Burgess MSP Monthly EAP Rent £950.00 View
Jun 2022 Arianne Burgess MSP Monthly EAP Rent £950.00 View
Jul 2022 Arianne Burgess MSP Monthly EAP Rent £950.00 View
Aug 2022 Arianne Burgess MSP Monthly EAP Rent £950.00 View
Sep 2022 Arianne Burgess MSP Monthly EAP Rent £1,035.00 View
Oct 2022 Arianne Burgess MSP Monthly EAP Rent £1,035.00 View
Nov 2022 Arianne Burgess MSP Monthly EAP Rent £1,035.00 View
Dec 2022 Arianne Burgess MSP Monthly EAP Rent £1,035.00 View
Jan 2023 Ariane Burgess MSP Monthly EAP Rent £1,035.00 View
Feb 2023 Ariane Burgess MSP Monthly EAP Rent £1,035.00 View
Mar 2023 Ariane Burgess MSP Monthly EAP Rent £1,035.00 View

Telephone Costs

Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 WiFi Router - Edinburgh Flat £37.38 View
Apr 2022 WiFi Router for Edinburgh Flat £37.38 View
Apr 2022 15 April 2022 EE Router Edi Flat £34.78 View
Jul 2022 WiFi Router £37.38 View
Aug 2022 EE Router Edinburgh Flat 15 Aug 2022 £37.38 View
Sep 2022 EE Router Edinburgh Flat 15 July 2022 £37.38 View
Oct 2022 15/10/2022 EE Router Edi Flat £37.38 View
Nov 2022 15/11/2022 EE Router Edi Flat £37.38 View
Dec 2022 15 Dec 2022 EE Router Edi Flat £37.38 View
Feb 2023 15/02 EE Router Edi Flat £41.53 View
Mar 2023 15/01 EE Router Edi Flat £41.53 View
Mar 2023 Internet £41.53 View


Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 Gas and Electricity 23 March -22 April 22 £55.28 View
Aug 2022 Gas and Electricity - 23 May to 22 June 2022 £68.72 View
Nov 2022 28 /12/2022 Gas and Electricity Edi Flat £101.50 View

Engagement Provision


Business Meeting Expenses

Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 Business Meeting costs - beverages 04/04/22 £4.70 View
Apr 2022 Meeting with Constituents on Mull 24/04/22 £25.20 View

Communication App

Date Detail Amount
Nov 2022 communication app £14.39 View
Dec 2022 communication app - monthly subscription £14.39 View
Jan 2023 podcast editing app £25.34 View
Jan 2023 Monthly subscription £14.39 View
Feb 2023 Apple Services - Teleprompter for Video app - paid through PayPal £9.99 View
Feb 2023 Podcast editing software - monthly charge £25.09 View
Feb 2023 Zoom account - engagement monthly subscription £14.39 View
Mar 2023 Annual subscription - communication app £139.76 View

Mailing Costs

Date Detail Amount
May 2022 Ariane Burgess (Green) £0.98 View
May 2022 Book of 12 2nd Class Stamps £8.16 View
Jan 2023 Ariane Burgess (Green) £0.30 View
Mar 2023 Production and distribution of MSP annual report as agreed and approved by SP. £8,976.00 View

Printing and/or Photocopying

Date Detail Amount
Jan 2023 photocopies for regional visit planning £12.00 View
Feb 2023 Photocopies for regional engagement planning £16.20 View
Feb 2023 Large photo copies £16.20 View
Mar 2023 Production and distribution of MSP annual report as agreed and approved by SP. £3,500.00 View

Professional Charges

Date Detail Amount
Dec 2022 Photography Fee 02/12/22 £365.00 View


Date Detail Amount
Mar 2023 Notebooks, tags, clips £72.94 View

Incidental and Ancillary Employment Cost Provision


Living Wage Accreditation

Date Detail Amount
Nov 2022 Living Wage Accreditation 2022 £72.00 View

Staff Homeworking

Date Detail Amount
Jul 2022 Homeworking Allowance April 2022 £52.00 View
Jul 2022 Homeworking Allowance April 2022 Mini Pool £6.50 View
Jul 2022 Homeworking Allowance May 2022 £52.00 View
Jul 2022 Homeworking Allowance May 2022 Mini Pool £3.99 View
Aug 2022 Homeworking Allowance June 2022 Mini Pool £3.25 View
Aug 2022 Homeworking Allowance June 2022 £52.00 View
Sep 2022 Homeworking Allowance July 2022 £52.00 View
Sep 2022 Homeworking Allowance July 2022 Mini Pool £3.72 View
Oct 2022 Homeworking Allowance August 2022 Mini Pool £3.72 View
Oct 2022 Homeworking Allowance August 2022 £52.00 View
Oct 2022 Homeworking Allowance September 2022 £75.64 View
Oct 2022 Homeworking Allowance September 2022 Mini Pool £1.01 View
Nov 2022 Homeworking Allowance October 2022 £78.00 View

MSP and MSP staff travel provision


Members Bus

Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £9.00 View
Oct 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £25.80 View

Members Car Hire

Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £18.64 View
Apr 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £67.20 View
Apr 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £113.33 View
Apr 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £53.70 View
Jul 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £66.41 View
Aug 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £186.10 View

Members Ferries

Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £7.80 View
Jun 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £10.00 View

Members Rail

Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 Parliamentary Travel £57.50 View
Apr 2022 Parliamentary and Constituency/Regional Travel £15.25 View
Apr 2022 Parliamentary and Constituency/Regional Travel £15.25 View
Apr 2022 Parliamentary Travel £12.00 View
Apr 2022 Parliamentary and Constituency/Regional Travel £12.00 View
May 2022 Parliamentary Travel £57.20 View
May 2022 Parliamentary Travel £89.60 View
Jun 2022 Parliamentary Travel £89.60 View
Jun 2022 Parliamentary Travel £89.60 View
Jul 2022 Parliamentary Travel £57.20 View
Aug 2022 Parliamentary Travel £71.50 View
Sep 2022 Parliamentary Travel £57.20 View
Sep 2022 Parliamentary Travel £18.10 View
Sep 2022 Parliamentary Travel £18.10 View
Sep 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £15.40 View
Sep 2022 Parliamentary Travel £63.00 View
Sep 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £15.20 View
Sep 2022 Parliamentary Travel £57.20 View
Oct 2022 Parliamentary Travel £14.20 View
Nov 2022 Parliamentary Travel £64.35 View
Nov 2022 Parliamentary Travel £64.35 View
Dec 2022 Parliamentary Travel £57.20 View
Dec 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £5.10 View
Dec 2022 Parliamentary Travel £57.20 View
Jan 2023 Parliamentary Travel £89.60 View
Jan 2023 Parliamentary Travel £89.60 View
Jan 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.45 View
Jan 2023 Parliamentary Travel £57.20 View
Jan 2023 Parliamentary Travel £57.20 View
Feb 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.45 View
Feb 2023 Parliamentary Travel £89.60 View
Feb 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £8.02 View
Feb 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.45 View
Feb 2023 Parliamentary Travel £89.60 View
Mar 2023 Parliamentary Travel £89.60 View
Mar 2023 Parliamentary Travel £57.20 View
Mar 2023 Parliamentary Travel £24.00 View
Mar 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £10.10 View
Mar 2023 Parliamentary Travel £89.60 View

Members Taxi

Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £55.00 View
Apr 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £10.00 View
Apr 2022 Parliamentary Travel £6.70 View
Jun 2022 Parliamentary Travel £7.20 View
Jun 2022 Parliamentary Travel £4.55 View
Jun 2022 Parliamentary Travel £7.25 View
Jun 2022 Parliamentary Travel £6.70 View
Jul 2022 Parliamentary Travel £4.55 View
Jul 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £5.70 View
Jul 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.40 View
Aug 2022 Parliamentary Travel £5.05 View
Aug 2022 Parliamentary Travel £7.00 View
Sep 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.00 View
Sep 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.30 View
Oct 2022 Parliamentary Travel £4.55 View
Oct 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.30 View
Oct 2022 Parliamentary Travel £5.30 View
Oct 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.00 View
Nov 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £7.30 View
Nov 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.00 View
Nov 2022 Parliamentary Travel £5.55 View
Dec 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £7.30 View
Dec 2022 Parliamentary Travel £5.80 View
Dec 2022 Parliamentary Travel £4.55 View
Dec 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £7.30 View
Dec 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.25 View
Dec 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.60 View
Jan 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.93 View
Jan 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £8.03 View
Jan 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £7.26 View
Jan 2023 Parliamentary Travel £6.55 View
Jan 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £8.03 View
Jan 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £7.00 View
Jan 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.60 View
Jan 2023 Parliamentary Travel £6.00 View
Feb 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.93 View
Feb 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.60 View
Mar 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £7.70 View
Mar 2023 Parliamentary Travel £3.50 View
Mar 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.60 View
Mar 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £8.03 View
Mar 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.93 View
Mar 2023 Parliamentary Travel £4.80 View
Mar 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £5.60 View
Mar 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £6.27 View

Staff Air

Date Detail Amount
Jun 2022 Parliamentary Travel £194.23 View

Staff Bus

Date Detail Amount
Jun 2022 Parliamentary Travel £29.80 View

Staff Mileage

Date Detail Amount
Aug 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £83.70 View
Aug 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £40.50 View
Aug 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £60.30 View
Sep 2022 Parliamentary Travel £39.15 View
Nov 2022 Constituency/Regional Travel £36.45 View
Nov 2022 Parliamentary Travel £52.65 View
Feb 2023 Constituency/Regional Travel £39.15 View

Staff Rail

Date Detail Amount
Aug 2022 Cancellation Fee £20.00 View
Sep 2022 Parliamentary Travel £34.10 View
Feb 2023 Parliamentary Travel £42.40 View

Office Cost Provision


Business Phone - Staff Home

Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 EE Router Regional Assistant 04/22 £60.11 View
Jun 2022 Regional Assistant Wifi Router May £60.11 View
Jul 2022 Regional Assistant Router June 2022 £60.11 View
Aug 2022 Regional Router August 2022 £60.11 View
Oct 2022 Regional Router September 2022 £60.11 View
Oct 2022 Regional Router October 2022 £60.11 View
Dec 2022 Regional Router Nov 2022 £60.11 View
Dec 2022 Regional Router December 2022 £60.11 View
Jan 2023 1/23 EE Router Regional Assistant £60.11 View
Feb 2023 20/02/2023 EE Router Regional Assistant £60.11 View

Computer Equipment

Date Detail Amount
Aug 2022 Laptop stand for home working. £25.99 View

Computer Software

Date Detail Amount
May 2022 3 x Project Online Licenses £67.77 View
May 2022 3 x Project Online Licenses £67.77 View
May 2022 3 x Project Online Licences £13.55 View
Jun 2022 BIT Journal - 3 x Project Online licences for A Burgess MSP May 22 £81.33 View
Jul 2022 Project Online x3 Software Request INVUK478257 £81.33 View
Aug 2022 3X MS project plan licenses June SP1019967-000-001 £81.32 View
Sep 2022 MS Project Plan 3 x3 September £81.32 View
Oct 2022 SP1048265 MS Project Plan x 3 £81.31 View
Nov 2022 R58509 MS Project Plan 3 BIT Reversal £81.32 View
Dec 2022 BIT Journal of R58509 - MS Project Plan 3 £26.23 View
Feb 2023 Annual subscription to software for subtitling video content £160.40 View

Newspaper Subscriptions

Date Detail Amount
Jun 2022 1yr newspaper subscription £159.99 View
Jul 2022 1yr newspaper subscription £49.88 View
Feb 2023 Annual subscription to Wyvex Media titles primarily - Oban Times £42.99 View

Professional Charges

Date Detail Amount
Mar 2023 Research Report £2,000.00 View
Mar 2023 Research Briefing Fee £3,000.00 View

Staff Overnight Costs Including Dinner

Date Detail Amount
Aug 2022 The Grey Gull Hotel, Lochgilphead x1night. Hotel for one night on regional visit with Ariane to meet NGOs and community groups in Argyll £159.00 View
Aug 2022 Evening meal 23 August £21.00 View
Aug 2022 The Sheiling B&B, Melvich - 1 night 23 August £85.00 View
Aug 2022 Scourie Lodge, Scourie 1 night 24 Aug £100.00 View

Overnight Accommodation Provision


Overnight Stay Constituency/Region Member and Staff

Date Detail Amount
Apr 2022 Lochboisdale Hotel, Uist x 1 night and evening meal £10.00 View
Apr 2022 Lochboisdale Hotel, Uist x 1 night and evening meal £90.00 View
Apr 2022 1x hotel Glasgow airport on route to Western Isles £46.75 View
Jun 2022 1 night Arisaig Hotel - regional visit £70.00 View
Jun 2022 Glebe Barn - Regional visit accommodation - 1x night £22.00 View
Aug 2022 The Grey Gull Hotel, Lochgilphead x1night. Hotel for 1 night on regional visit to meet NGOs and community groups in Argyll £159.00 View
Aug 2022 The Sheiling B&B, Melvich - 1 night 23 August £95.00 View
Aug 2022 Evening meal - 23 August £21.00 View
Aug 2022 Scourie Lodge, Scourie, 1 night 24 Aug £100.00 View
Mar 2023 Overnight in Fort William £109.00 View
Mar 2023 17/03/23 x 1 night Accommodation at Ardtornish Estate, Morvern £95.00 View

Staff Cost Provision


Staff Rail

Date Detail Amount
Feb 2023 Parliamentary Travel £18.30 View
Feb 2023 Parliamentary Travel £15.10 View
Feb 2023 Parliamentary Travel £18.30 View
Feb 2023 Parliamentary Travel £18.30 View
Feb 2023 Parliamentary Travel £18.30 View